Breathe with Tea


Self care is not a contest.

You probably suck at self-care. Like really badly. And you’re burnt out, exhausted, crabby, and most likely snapping at everyone around you (or at least who you’re quarantined with). How did I know? Because the world has flipped upside for all of us and we are stressed and freaking out about how to find any semblance of balance.

And so you SUCK at self-care.

But, that’s okay. Self-care isn’t a contest, it’s not graded, and you won’t receive a raise because you did it perfectly. It’s ever evolving, changing and always expecting new things from us. As soon as you figure out a self-care routine, something new happens and you’re screwed. And then it’s back to starting line.

But, you’re not alone.

I’m here to make you creative, consistent, and accountable as you figure out each new pathway. Are you ready to take the first step?

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